Saturday, January 17, 2009

Getting Paid to Blog!!!

Ok so I started my new job today. YAY me!!!! Dave Matthews tickets went on sale at 10am and the company was expecting a high call volume so everyone was able to get on the shift. I got up so that I could get logged on and ready to go at 9am when my shift started. I was so excited I couldn't wait to start working. Well just my luck the system wouldn't let me sign in so I sat on the phone for an hour and a half with my supervisor tiring to get logged in. She finally told me she couldn't help and she would sent the problem up to to tech support. So here I was schedule for 4 hours this morning and I couldn't do a single one.
Well finally around 11am they called me and told me they had my system back up and running so I was able to sign in to my shift YAY now I'm getting paid. So my first hour has gone by and I have only gotten 1 phone call the whole hour. The gentleman had no clue what he wanted and didn't even end up buying tickets from me but it did take 20 minutes of my hour which was nice. It was a super easy call and I knew exactly what I was doing YAY me again !!!!! So now I am just sitting around playing on my laptop blogging while my desktop is signed into work waiting on a call. You can't get any better than that. I'm sitting in my own house in lounge clothes blogging on my computer getting 8 an hour. I would have to say I'm pretty happy with my job LOL.
Ok moving on to more exciting news!!!!!!!!! We are going back to Disney World in May for Daytons birthday. Yesterday I got an email from the FRG saying Disney had a new promotion out for military so I called for all the info. Well get this its a great deal Craig gets a 5 day hopper and water park pass for free and he can buy up to 5 more sets of 5 days hopper pass for 125 each. You cant beat that it cost more than that to walk in the door just one day. So I call Craig and he immediately say call Disney and see about a room and food. (Don't let him lie to you he wants to go back just as bad as Dayton does he had a wonderful time last time.) Well I call and get this military also gets 40% off hotel and food packages. So basically it boils down to yet again its another great deal we just can't pass on. One of my very best friends and her husband may even go with us. How exciting is that???
Well I guess I better get back to work LOL. I have some pictures I need to upload of Dayton at ballet and piano lessons last week. So I will try to get that done for you tomorrow.


☆ Loren ☆ said...

I thought Jon and I were going with you?? Who is this best friend and her husband? Are you giving away my 125$ tickets???? :(

Unknown said...

Disneyworld sounds amazing. Dayton is one lucky girl! Could I join you in on that job - sounds ideal! X.