Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The BIG Secret!!!!!

Oh look I actually showed up to blog today, who ever would have guessed LOL. I missed Not Me Monday which I was very upset about because it would have been a good one, but I will just have to wait til next week. So on to the real news Huh.

We haven't really made the big public announcement yet but here goes. We are adopting a new born baby due this fall and we couldn't be more excited. We have some friends that we have know for many years now they are a part of our "Army Family" well their 20 year old daughter is pregnant with her 2nd and she doesn't want the baby. Her parents have the 1st baby with them in Germany and she nor the father have a job or home here in the states for the new baby. She called me about a month or so ago and asked if Craig and I would like to adopt the baby as soon it's born. Well as anyone of y'all that know me know I want another baby so badly. After 5 years of tiring and only 1 miscarriage I feel adoption is an excellent choice for us. So we said yes. Not to mention Craig is adopted and it seems very important to him to give to a child what was given to him. It will be very hard to hold a candle to Craig's adoptive parents (He got so lucky its not funny), but we hope to be half the parents they were to him to this new baby.

The birth mom has now moved back to TN so we can be closer to the baby while she is pregnant. Craig meet with a lawyer about 2 weeks ago and by the middle of next month the paper work should be started and everyone will sign. Of coarse she can still change her mind right up until the judge signs the papers after the baby gets here, but we pray she doesn't. The lawyer seemed great and he's fees really aren't that bad. Its the home study that gets you but we will deal its a lot cheaper then going through an agency. I was able to get together with her yesterday, I took her to get health care for her and the baby here. It was so neat to see her and her cute little tummy. We even ran by my house for a minute and I showed her around. She was able to walk into the nursery and tell the baby this is where you are gonna live. I thought that was a good sign for her to be able to do that means she is pretty serious about all of this.

I do realize that at any moment in time she can change her mind, I get that it happens everyday to some poor couple in this country so please pray that we don't go through that pain. Pray she makes the best decision she can for her and her baby whatever that might be. If this is God's will it will be and if it's not it won't. So right now I pray it will go through but if it doesn't I pray that God gives me the strength I need to over come the pain and loss.

So in conclusion plan to hear a lot about baby stuff and colors and ultrasounds when the time comes. I plan on documenting every second on this adoption journey on my blog. So join us on what might be the best or worse ride of our lives and pray that God's will plays out in this situation.


Unknown said...

One word: EXCITED! EXCITED! EXCITED! I am so happy for you guys!!! I know it can be pretty daunting that she can change her mind but just revel in each step that follows :) xxx.

Unknown said...

Oh...I nominated your blog for a bloggy award =] xxx.