20 Tagging Questions.
There seems to be a tagging trend sweeping across blogger at the moment. I think it is a great way to get to know other. I was tagged by Becca (go check out her blog!)
Step 1:
Respond and rework—answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
Step 2:
Tag four other un-tagged people. Be sure to let me know when you have done this, and link back to me. =]
1) What are you wearing at the moment? blue PJ top and bottoms
2) What is your favourite book? A Wife After God's Own Heart
3) What is your favourite restaurant? Hanokia
4) What can you listening to right now? Grey's Anatomy
5) What is your current obsession/addiction? Getting ready to reveal our big secret and getting everything ready for the secret LMAO
6) What is your favourite moment of the day? When I get to pick Dayton up from school and she smiles and waves as she walks to the car
7) What is your favourite programme to watch? House Hunters
8) What was the last item you bought? finger paints for Lexi and a Zune for Dayton
9) What is your most challenging goal? make sure my family is happy and complete
10) If you could pack your suitcase and go away tomorrow, where would you travel too? Disney World I wanna live there
11) Favourite vacation spot? please see question 10 LOL
12) What can you say about the person who tagged you? I love to read Becca Blog, it's so neat to see that life on the other side of the world isn't that different.
13) Name one thing you cannot resist even though you know it is bad for you? ummm I don't have a clue
14) What is your favourite item of clothing? Pajamas!
15) What are your favourite pair of shoes? My Jessica Simpson Ballet shoes I LOVE them
16) Name one thing you could not live without? Love.
17) What is your most cherished item? The doll my granny made me before she died
18) If you could have any other job, other than your current one, what would it be? A teacher
19) What is your favourite drink? Water o
20) What is your favourite make-up? lip gloss
21) Whats your favorite color? Yellow
I tag:
- Anyone who hasn't already been tagged so consider yourself tagged.
#AirmailChristmas 2016
8 years ago
Enjoyed reading your answers! I want to know the secret lol!
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